Jumatano, 8 Februari 2023

US sources insist Chinese balloon was military

US intelligence sources tell media the balloon was spying on US and allied defence capabilities.

New Zealand pilot taken hostage by separatists in Indonesia

Papuan separatists have told the BBC that Philip Mehrtens will be held as "leverage" in talks.

US-China trade hits record high despite rising tensions

Imports and exports between the world's two biggest economies totalled more than $690bn last year.

State of the Union 2023: Biden urges Congress to finish economic fightback

The president's State of the Union speech called for unity, but he was heckled by some Republicans.

Syria earthquake: Crowds chat ‘God is great’ as family pulled alive from rubble

Video shows a rescue team pull two adults and four children from rubble in Idlib, Syria.

Jumamosi, 4 Februari 2023

Ukraine war: How two mothers retrieved their dead sons from the battlefield

With little help from the military to bring the soldiers' bodies home, two mothers took charge themselves.

Padayappa: The friendly India elephant whose fame is a curse

Padayappa has long been a fan favourite in India's Kerala state. So why is he controversial now?

'I escaped abusive jungle cult - then rescued my son'

When Yisrael Amir fled the isolated sect, he brought with him tales of control, abuse and rape.

Pope Francis in South Sudan: The Catholic pilgrims who walked nine days to Juba

"When the spirit is with you, you do not get tired," says one South Sudanese woman after walking 300km.

Grammy Awards: Domi & JD Beck on 'crazy' nomination

Domi & JD Beck have been signed for less than a year but are up for two of the prestigious awards.

Jumapili, 29 Januari 2023

Jumatano, 25 Januari 2023

Germany's Welcome Culture sours to Auf Wiedersehen

As Germany's far-right sees electoral success, migrants who arrived since 2015 say they feel unwelcome. http://dlvr.it/TDVcDg