Jumatano, 20 Desemba 2023

Serial killer's ex-wife Monique Olivier convicted for part in murders

Monique Olivier, 75, was complicit in Michael Fourniret's murders, including of a British student.


British Museum signs £50m funding deal with BP

The money will be used in a major renovation programme - but climate campaigners criticise the move.


Scottish Budget: Higher earners to pay more income tax

People earning more than £75,000 will pay more tax as part of efforts to plug a £1.5bn funding shortfall.


Ukraine military seeks extra 500,000 soldiers - President Zelensky

Ukraine's leader admits mobilisation is a sensitive and costly issue as the war with Russia nears two-year mark.


Iceland volcano: Pollution warning for capital after eruption

The eruption, in south-west Iceland, led to half the sky being "lit up in red", an eyewitness says.


'Hostility sharpens sense Southgate era may be nearing end'

Gareth Southgate has said he is "oblivious" to outside criticism but will the fans' reaction to England's draw with Sloven...