Ijumaa, 22 Septemba 2023

Angus Cloud cause of death: Euphoria star died of accidental drug overdose

Angus Cloud accidentally overdosed on fentanyl, cocaine and methamphetamine, a coroner says.

Sudan army chief warns war could spill over into neighbours

General Burhan has asked for the Rapid Support Forces to be designated as a terror group.

'It took someone to look beyond the norm' - Postecoglou on Spurs job

Tottenham manager Ange Postecoglou tells Gary Lineker he never thought his Premier League chance would come and that he was "last man standing" this summer.

A shadow of 'Ukraine fatigue' hangs over Polish politics

With an election looming, politicians are grappling with how to support Ukraine and prioritise national interests.

Five to be charged in UK with spying for Russia

Three men and two women are to be charged with conspiracy to conduct espionage, UK prosecutors say.

'Hostility sharpens sense Southgate era may be nearing end'

Gareth Southgate has said he is "oblivious" to outside criticism but will the fans' reaction to England's draw with Sloven...