Jumapili, 18 Februari 2024

Ukraine visa schemes to be extended by 18 months

It means those on the earliest visas will be allowed to stay in the UK until at least September 2026.


Donald Trump launches own-brand shoes after $355m court blow

The ex-president promoted gold-coloured shoes at a sneaker convention in Philadelphia.


No discussion over Falklands, says Lord Cameron ahead of visit

Ahead of his visit, the foreign secretary says the Islands will be British as long as they want to be.


Conjoined twins given days to live are proving everyone wrong

Marieme and Ndeye, seven, were not expected to survive for more than a few days after they were born.


'Saturday shambles shows England must not become blunt instrument'

England are fabulously entertaining, but must learn to adapt if they want to become a great team, says Stephan Shemilt.


'Hostility sharpens sense Southgate era may be nearing end'

Gareth Southgate has said he is "oblivious" to outside criticism but will the fans' reaction to England's draw with Sloven...