Jumamosi, 19 Agosti 2023

How England became so good at women’s football

More than 50 years after a ban on women's football was lifted, England are in to the World Cup final - but how did we get here?

Hurricane Hilary heads for Mexico and California

Hilary is expected to become a tropical storm - the first in 80 years to make landfall in California.

Canada wildfires: The past 2 days in 75 seconds

As Canada's northern and western provinces battle historic wildfires, thousands have been displaced.

Emmerson Mnangagwa - Zimbabwe’s ‘crocodile’ who wants another bite

What drives Robert Mugabe's ouster, Emmerson Mnangagwa, as he seeks a second term in office?

Week in pictures: 12-18 August 2023

A selection of striking images from around the world, taken over the past seven days.

'Hostility sharpens sense Southgate era may be nearing end'

Gareth Southgate has said he is "oblivious" to outside criticism but will the fans' reaction to England's draw with Sloven...